Aug 24, 2011

Solat.Prayer.Sembahyang Part 2

. Aug 24, 2011 .


We must know and believe the importance of Solat to fully understand the ibadah.

1) Direct communication with ALlah
"The closest a person to His God is when he is in prostration"
"When any one of you stands to pray,he is communicating with his God, so let him pay attention to how he speaks to Him"

Your don't have to topup your call for this connection. It is free and direct call/communication with God.

Prayer connects us with ALlah. Don't sever this relationship with your Creator

2)A Pillar of Islam
Prayer is the second most important pillar of Islam (Rukun Islam), and is the most regular compulsory action in a Muslim's life

We fulfill our prayers daily regardless of the circumstances. Even in war, we have no exemption from praying
" Guard strictly your (habit of) prayer...If you fear (an enemy), pray on foot or riding. " Quran 2:238-239

In war we still have to pray, in peace?

3) Success lies in the prayer
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said " The first of his deeds which a man will be called to account on the Day of Resurrection will be the PRAYERS..."

"...If it is found to be perfect, he will be safe and successful. But if it is defective, he will be unfortunate and a loser"

Insyallah till next time
Ramadhan . Terendak
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone


Aug 19, 2011

hilang akal

. Aug 19, 2011 .

ramadhan oo ramadhan

waktu asar sudah tiba. bukan ke masjid kita pergi. hnya memikirkan bazaar apa yg menanti. lngloai dan tidak bermaya. aduh! byk kerja dan beban. puasa kita tidak bermaya.

sanggup asar pantas untuk berlari ke sana. orang ramai. bergesel2 bertolak2 berebut2. mungkin pada ayam goreng atau air yg manis. bagai hilang akal. hilang waras.

"...ramadhan skrang lain..."
ini lah lainnya. dahulunya bazaar adalah untuk mereka yg mahu aneka macam juadah tanpa berbelanja besar. insyallah kenyang dan tidak kempunan.

penat dan letih. lapar dan dahaga. semua digunakan untuk manrik perhatian pembeli. HARGA MAHAL. kita tetap buat2 buta dan tuli. sanggup ikut nafsu yg sentiasa mengganas. saat2 dahaga dan panas

hilang akal.


Aug 15, 2011


. Aug 15, 2011 .


Sadly many muslim do not pray or fulfil the conditions od the prayer. Despite its importance and purpose, many muslim see it as a culture.

The purpose of prayer is ;
1)Strengthen your relationship with God.
2)To be grateful for all His blessings
3)Remind yourself of His Greatness

Body = physical needs : water n food
Soul = spiritual needs : ???
- by acts or worship. Most important which is prayer

Can be the body is super healthy but the person is spiritually dead.

Allah says "O you who believe! Respond to (the call of) Allah and His Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life" Quran 8:24

Insyallah ill write about the importance and benefits of prayers next time .

Doing my best
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone


Aug 12, 2011

biasa la ramadhan..

. Aug 12, 2011 .


risau dan takut ramadhanku jd rmadhan yg biasa . Mahu ku lebih baik dan makin bagus.

" Ramadhan skrng lain la. Mcm xmeriah . Lain dri dulu."

Ramadhan dulu mcm mne?
Ramadhan skrng mcm mne?

Terpulang pd diri kita . Kita yg menentukan . Meriah atau tidak . Penuh ibadah atau hnya "suka2 ramadhan"

Kemeriahan ramadhan bergantung pd KITA utk memeriahkan ia. Penuhi dgn ibadah dan ukhwah.

Kalau tidak..jadi lah rmadhan yg biasa

"Alaa biasa la ramadhan . Sentiasa ada kejutan . "

Ramadhan , Cyberjaya

Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone


Masjid Sultan Abdul Samad KLIA


Salam . Ziarah2 masjid . Jalan2 cari masjid utk berbuka puasa. Alhamdulillah
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

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